Today business teams and organisations face rapid change like never before. Globalisation has increased the markets and opportunities for more growth and revenue. However, increasingly diverse markets have a wide variety of needs and expectations that must be understood if they are to become strong customers and collaborators. Concurrently, scrutiny of stakeholders has increased as some executives have been convicted of illegal actions in their companies, and the compensation of executives seems to be increasing while wages of others seems to be decreasing or leveling off. Thus, the ability to manage change, while continuing to meet the needs of stakeholders, is a very important skill required by today’s leaders and managers.
Trove Consulting as a professional consultant provides ethical consulting & recognise the boundaries within which it should work in an organisation, understand the legal liabilities and risks inherent in organisational consulting and attend to regular and ongoing professional development activities
Trove Consulting does what can be called as Effective Consulting
We work with our clients collaboratively to clarify current issues and address them, while learning at the same time. The answers to which lie betweenTrove Consulting and its client.
We encourage and recognise diverse values and perspectives on an issue in the organisation. These perspectives are encouraged and explored to lead to successful problem solving.
Trove Consulting start from where there client is at the moment of approach, this is to understand your client’s perspective on their issues, including what they have tried, what has worked, what has not worked and what they think should be done now. Trove Consulting realizes that It is better to go slower with your client than faster without them.
Trove Consulting understands that there is no blame in consulting situations. Hence we try to form an atmosphere in client’s organisation which is full of trust, collaboration and commitment necessary for successful change.
Trove Consulting delivers the change management services with a planned consultation framework. Early in a project, the major purpose of the framework is used as a common frame of reference when talking about the project goals, methods, evaluation and learning. Refinement of the framework is done later in consultation with the client as we work together
Trove Consulting follows a proper flow of the process. We work with our client collaboratively.
Trove Consulting has an expertise which enables us to do consulting with focus on results and learning. Our client perceives us to be authentic and respectful & one of the most powerful influences that we have with your clients is the behaviour modeling.
We are extremely consistent and committed in our delivery by remaining clear and consistent which builds trust and commitment with clients.
Trove Consulting maintains absolute level of confidentiality and integrity while providing change management services at the organisational level.